maple syrup production

What is it?

The Tree Spa for Urban Forest Healing uses commercial maple syrup production equipment to produce steam for a functional steam room, creating a healing venue for environmentally-charged conversations and experiences.

Syrup Shack

A Syrup shack evaporates water out of sap, usually requiring evaporation tools, typically a wood Burning system, like how it is used in the tree spa at Keney Park. The shack should also have proper ventilation and should be weatherproof on both the inside and the outside.

Maple Spa

The Tree Spa for Urban Forest Healing uses commercial maple syrup production equipment to produce steam for a functional steam room. Creating a haling venue for environmentally-charged conversations and experiences. The project represents a vision for synthesizing complex social and environmental issues, by a holistic approach to building urban rural community and reconnecting with the Earth. The Tree Spa provides a space to think about histories of land connection and displacement in the settlement of New England. Think about European settlers displacing Native Americans. What events did this set in motion for society to develop as it has here in New England? Think about the transition from a subsistence bartering society to an industrial, capitalist one? Where does this leave our Native American populations today? Where does it leave our urban populations and inner city youth? What connection do we have to the land and the natural world?